Make (insert year here) your best year yet.

That is what they all say. Every new years. Every year.

Of course we all say it, this year is going to be my year. I’m going to do this and this and the list goes on then and its great…. then you don’t always fulfill everything on your list, you feel kind of bad then the next year you go through it all over again and think ok now this year will be my year.

Well this is what I think. Why not make every year your year. Every year there will be challenges, unexpected things come up and always something to put a road block in your plans. That is called life. Total pain in the ass sometimes but what can ya do?

Well actually here’s what you can do.. well here’s what I’m going to do.

Most years I make a lose mental list, and I usually end up modifying the goals to better suit me or changing them. This is ok.. but really in the end you don’t exactly accomplish what you set out for.

2016 was a great year for me. It was full of ups and downs but I did a pretty good job of making things happen. Check out my 2016 here

I slacked off with the smaller personal goals though. They were in my head but I didn’t really hold myself accountable for them. This year this is how I’ll make them happen:

  1. Get it in writing! I’ll make sure to write them down and make them visible. They’ll be framed and put where I can see them every day!
  2. Details! These are important. Vague resolutions always sound good but are hard to follow through with.
  3. Realistic and attainable. I firmly believe in always shooting for the stars but it’s important to make sure my goals are able to be checked off, measurable and realistic to the life you live.

Do you have any ideas to keep those New Year resolutions? Leave a comment, I’m sure were all open to a little extra help and motivation!



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