A quick guide to hiking the Mt Lyndon track

Mt Lyndon track is located in the Korowai Torlesse Tussocklands area in Canterbury. It stands tall over Lake Lyndon with beautiful views over the lake, Korowai Torlesse Tussocklands Park and the Craigieburn Range. I have been up Mt Lyndon a couple of times now. My favourite hikes are ones with lake views down below and […]

All you need to know hiking the Sharplin Falls Track

Standing on a bridge on the Sharplin Falls track

After countless hours of volunteer work and community donations, the Tāhekerua/ Sharplin Falls track has been newly rebuilt and is now open! Nestled in the beautiful foothills of Mount Somers, this track is a perfect addition to the area and is a great beginner and family-friendly hike in Canterbury. The Sharplin Falls track has been […]

Orari Gorge track- an easy canterbury hike

Orari Gorge Track in the Geraldine area is a good option if you are looking for an easier hiking track in the Canterbury region. As much as I love to hike and get up high in the sky, sometimes it’s just nice to get on an easier trail. Because this is New Zealand, there is […]

All you need to know hiking Little Mt Peel in Canterbury

To start off, hiking Little Mt Peel is not so little. What’s in a name right? However, the challenge up the Tara Haoa Range is so worth the views at the top. It wouldn’t be my choice for a first hike in the area but if you’re looking to tackle a track and take your […]

Camp Saddle track- a great day hike in Canterbury

The Camp Saddle track in the Craigieburn area doesn’t seem to be quite as popular but definitely one to get on your list! The most direct track is relatively easy but there are many options to make loops and add more of a challenge to your hike. I was pleasantly surprised the first time Chris […]

Hiking Foggy Peak- all you need to know

Foggy Peak can be described as steep, challenging and character-building. Before you think nope, this track is not for me, the views from the top and the feeling of accomplishment is well worth the effort. I wouldn’t suggest heading up Foggy Peak for your first hike. I’m not going to lie, it’s not an easy […]

An epic full guide to dog friendly hikes in canterbury

Since the moment I moved to New Zealand it has amazed me how many people get out hiking.  Whether it’s a bush walk, half day up a mountain or what surprised me most, setting off for a multi-day trek it’s a very popular pastime of Kiwis.   Perhaps now, because I’m immersed in the hiking world […]

7 short waterfall tracks in Canterbury, New Zealand

The beauty of hiking in Canterbury is that there is a big variety of trails to explore. There are plenty of tall mountains to climb up but hidden throughout are also easier waterfall tracks. I wouldn’t say Canterbury is home to the most amazing waterfalls like the Catlins for example or some of those in […]

10 epic Beginner hikes in Canterbury, New Zealand

I remember when I first started hiking or tramping as they call it here in New Zealand, I was always searching for easy tracks and beginner hikes in Canterbury. I was not at all ready for anything too steep or too long and just wanted to ease into the new hobby. I’ve put together a […]

Hiking to Woolshed creek hut, Mid Canterbury new Zealand

I have to say Woolshed creek hut is one of my favourites hikes in the Canterbury region. It’s part of the Mt Somers walkway and is not a hard track. This has quickly become my go-to hike. There’s lots of variety on the track from forest, old mine ruins, volcanic rock formations, tussock and beautiful […]

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