All you need to know to visit the Blue Pools, New Zealand

The Blue Pools in Mt Aspiring National Park on the west coast of New Zealand have grown in popularity over the years. It’s not hard to believe why as the water you see in the pools is some of the bluest in the country!

If you’re exploring the area, this are a must-do and I would hate for you to miss them! The short path that has been well maintained by the department of conservation has made these pools easily accessible to most.

Here’s a full guide of all you need to know to explore the Blue Pools in New Zealand.

What are the blue pools?

First things first, the Blue Pools aren’t actually individual pools like you might expect. I imagined them to be like the hot springs you see in the states where there are these random little tubs filled with water. Instead, these pools are part of the Blue River where it meets the Makaroa River. I suppose what makes it like a pool is that the water is shallow at one end by the shore and it suddenly drops down and gets quite deep further up the river.

Blue Pools, New Zealand
Why are they so blue?

The colour is from light refracting off the cold cold water which to our eyes is blue and why they’ve been named the Blue Pools. There are times depending on the light situation as to what shade of blue or blue green they are. I’ve been a couple of times now and once they were that brilliant blue and another time it was rainy and they looked quite green.

I won’t lie though, there are times when the water won’t look as amazing as the photos. Par for course with mother nature. The change in colour to a more milky not as clear look is due to high rainfall and flooding. If both the Blue River and Makaroa River are in flood, the force of the water brings gravel down the Blue river and fills the deep sections/pools. When the Makaroa is flooding, the gravel that fills the pools can’t escape until the volume of water goes down. How often this happens, I’m not sure but even if the colour of the water isn’t perfect it is a beautiful area to explore.

Blue Pools New Zealand
Where are the pools located

The track is right off of the road on State Highway 6. Whether you’re arriving from the east, Wanaka, or west, Haast, it will take about 50 minutes. There is a sign and a small car park but it fills up very quickly especially in the summertime. Take extra care getting in and out of your car and crossing the road.

The track

Like I mentioned before the track is quite easy, flat and very accessible to most. It is about 20 minutes and a 1.5 km return track following through lush vegetation, old Beech and Podocarp Forest to the first swing bridge where the forest clears to mountains views in the distance. The track then carries on over a boardwalk to another bridge where you get some of the best views up the river and of the pools themselves. Be prepared for how clear to the bottom the water is. It truly is incredible.

From the second bridge you can continue on for about 3.5 km on the Blue Young Link track. This track is an easier tramping track about 3-4 hours long. Before the second bridge, you are also able to get down to the river shore. Take extra care here. The path is really short but can get quite slippery. To get back to the parking lot, just go the way you came.

Lauren Korstrom at the Blue Pools New Zealand
In case you’re wondering…Commonly asked questions!

Are there toilets?

  • there are no public toilets at there. The nearest ones would be at the town of Makaroa, 8 minutes south of the parking lot

Can I swim in the pools?

  • you bet you can but take extra care where you jump in so you don’t hit any rocks, and be aware that the water is really cold! I’m taking maybe 6, 7 degrees Celsius!

Can I fish in the there?

  • It’s not uncommon to see Rainbow and brown trout swimming in the river when they migrate from Lake Wanaka. You can actually see them from the bridge but fishing is not permitted at the pools

Where can I stay?

What are other attractions near by?

  • Fantail Falls- 9 minutes north
  • Thunder Creek Falls- 15 minutes north
  • Lake Hawea lookout- 36 minutes south
  • Lake Wanaka lookout- 27 minutes south

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