2017: My New Year’s Resolutions

I personally love New Year’s resolutions. I love thinking about my last year and appreciating the great things that happened. Maybe even give myself credit for making it happen which you CAN do, you should do! But then also reflecting on the not so good points and either figuring out how to make it better […]

Sweet 2016.

2016, where’d you go! Another year gone but I must say it was pretty good to me! I was challenged at some points just as life does but everything worked out and I’m here now planning my next year, making it a great year too! Here are some of my goals I checked off the list […]

How to make your resolutions last!

Make (insert year here) your best year yet. That is what they all say. Every new years. Every year. Of course we all say it, this year is going to be my year. I’m going to do this and this and the list goes on then and its great…. then you don’t always fulfill everything […]

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